February 10th update: 

Ski trails: All skate-ski lanes were groomed Monday evening.  There is some track setting in, and skier-set track setting. Early season and marginal conditions exist due to the shallow depth of snow.  There are unmarked hazards under the snow, and asphalt/rocks where cart paths are under the ski trails.

Fat bike/snowshoe and the separate walking trail systems all were Bachler packed in the past few days, snow is hopefully firming up on those trail systems.

Chinook Blast is back at Shaganappi February 15th & 16th!  Free e-fat bike and fat bike demos; free cross country ski and snowshoe demos.  Event runs from 10am to 2pm.  Dress warm and come on out for some fun in the snow! (Bring your bike helmet if you have one).

Reported on Feb 10, 2025 at 11:18 PM by Linda Em