Feb 7th  Grooming took place at Mt.Shark on Thursday with 15 to 20cm's of fresh snow on the trails from last weeks snowfall.  Ursa Major and Hercules continue to have some exposed dirt and rock although much less then previous weeks thanks to the recent snowfall. 

The base is quite thin and below normal for this time of year, and as there has not been substantial snow to push around yet this year (less than 5cm's fell in January), some early season natural hazards exist on most trails. These including a few bumps, uneven surfaces and drainage dips, possible ice, a little exposed brush, and some exposed dirt and/or rocks, mainly on Ursa Major with a couple spots on Hercules.

Click on the computer icon above to access the Alberta Parks report and information on individual trails.

Reported on Feb 7, 2025 at 12:19 AM by Jody